Unconscious Bias, Useful Concept or Useless Fad?

Many people may have heard of the Pavlov's Dogs experiment conducted by Ivan Pavlov in 1897. The famous study highlighted basic behavioural mechanisms that are learned and he demonstrated classical conditioning. Classical conditioning occurs when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus. The conditioned stimulus is neutral e.g. the sound of a bell … Continue reading Unconscious Bias, Useful Concept or Useless Fad?

The illusion of job permanency & how to future-proof your career 

When I started my masters degree over ten-years-ago many of my lecturers said “the world of work is changing". It led me to appreciate that, yes indeed the world of work IS changing. The course highlighted how mergers, acquisitions and partnerships have led to increasing unemployment, as well as the switch to people working in … Continue reading The illusion of job permanency & how to future-proof your career 

Can’t find a suitable job? Write a speculative application

Have you ever had a dream company that you want to work for? You look on the website but there does not seem to be any suitable jobs? If you are faced with this you have a couple of options; you can: a) follow the organisations' careers page like a hawk, checking frequently for the … Continue reading Can’t find a suitable job? Write a speculative application

Seven Professional Networking Tips

Networking is a way of creating and sustaining relationships with others including business contacts, friends and acquaintances for eventual business gain. There are many ways to network and these can include attending meetings, conferences and other specific events. These meetings can provide individuals with a way to talk to key influencers and important players in the industry. … Continue reading Seven Professional Networking Tips

The gig economy. Short-term fix or long-term problem?

The gig economy has attracted a lot of attention recently, however, this form of working is not new. Part-time and flexible working has been expressed in a variety of different careers from as far back as the 1970s. Several different career theories including the Portfolio, intelligent, protean and boundaryless career theories have attempted to describe … Continue reading The gig economy. Short-term fix or long-term problem?

Fancy a new type of career?

Over 20 years ago, researchers, Arthur and Rousseau (1996) hailed a new type of career. Roles free of boundaries, barriers and restrictions, the Boundaryless career.  Spurred on by mergers, acquisitions and globalisation, the working world has and continues to change. To understand this, career theories have emerged to try and explain how people are navigating … Continue reading Fancy a new type of career?

How to handle job rejections

You have found a job you like,  you have read the description, perfect! You spend a few hours writing your cover letter and your CV. With a high level of anticipation you press send. A few days later you open the email, it begins: “Thank you for applying to the [insert role]. Due to a … Continue reading How to handle job rejections

So you’ve graduated …

  You've studied for three years, you spent the weekends of your third year in the library, you didn't go to house parties and you were president of six student societies.  The time is right for you to receive your prize.  You attend your graduation, your name is called, you receive your badge of honour, … Continue reading So you’ve graduated …